Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Number of hours we sat waiting for this to happen. It didn't. 2

Number of CDs I bought today at Tower's going out of business sale: 6

Number of Beatles CDs I bought to replace old ones : 2

Number of guitars Joseph played at Guitar Center: 3

Number of times I called him before he answered the phone while there: 4

Number of minutes the dog behind us barked this evening: 120

Number of times I jumped up to make sure it wasn't our dog: 5


Kimmer said...

The link says the article is no longer available.

Shelly said...

I fixed the link. It should work now.

Anonymous said...

K absolutely LOVES Guitar Center. Every day, without fail, he asks when we can go there again. He's a very persistent 13-year-old, and a darn fine musician to boot, so I'm thinking a trip to GC is in his future. (I love listening to him play all the guitars on the BIG amps in the store, but don't tell him that or he'll want one for Christmas.) :)