Wednesday, July 28, 2004

I get to spend some time with my aunt tomorrow:-)
Aunt Louise is down from Oregon, and gave me a call this morning.  She wants me to pick her up at Denise's and drive down to Sue's for a visit.   It was either that or come over here, and since my house is torn up right now (clasroom cleaning & organizing....and major cupboard cleaning in the kitchen)  I wish I had known she was coming down. I wouldn't have started the cleaning and stuff.  Right now the kitchen is in boxes while I go through and see what I am keeping and what goes to Goodwill.  As for the classroom......UGH.   I will get it finished by the end of next week. I am giving myself a full week for both things.
I think I will take her out to lunch too.  She was such a big part of my life growning up, especially during my teen age years.  I spent a lot of time at her house.  She has been alone for a year now, since Uncle Sam passed away.  I 'm glad she's getting out and about.


Pez said...

I hope you had a nice visit with your Aunt Louise today. :)

Shelly said...

I had a great visit:) I had forgotten how much I missed her....